
  • Fikriyat

    Avrupa kıtası için, 20. Yüzyılda yaşanan en önemli olaydan biri Türk Devrimidir. Üstelik bu devrim, dönemin İngiltere’sini sadece Anadoluda rahatsız etmemiş, diğer sömürge devletlerde de isyanlara ve kopmalara neden olmuştur. İran devriminin bile, esas kahramanı Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’tür.

    Türk Devriminde öne çıkan kişi hiç şüphesiz, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’tür. Ancak devrimi tasarlayan ve devrimi yapan kadro Osmanlı’nın bilgi ve kültür birikimini temsil etmektedir. Bu birim Jön Türkler’den, milleyetçilik akımından ve Avrupayı görmüş, iyi eğitimler almış askerler tarafından oluşturmuştur.

    Birikim konusuna dokunmadan önce üzerine düşünülmesi gereken şudur: Bu kadro bu birikime nasıl hakim oldu? Osmanlı’da kurmaylar eğitimleri sırasınca en az bir yabancı dile hakim olurlardı, pek çoğu ikinci yabancı dili de öğrenirlerdi. Bu sayede gerek Osmanlı’ya gelmiş yayınları, gerek Avrupada buldukları yayınları okuyup, aldıkları eleştirel düşünce eğitimi ile, süzgeçten geçirip birikimlerine eklerlerdi.

    Bugün Türkiye yine bir değişim yaşamak talebinde olduğu için böyle bir yazının yazılması ve üzerine konuşulması çok elzem gelir. Dünyadaki devrim hareketlerine, değişim hareketlerine baktığımız zaman bir fikri birikim dönemi görürüz. En kötü liderler ve en kötü devrimlerin bile altına bir fikri birikim vardır. Örneğin milyonlarca insanın ölmesine neden olan Adolf Hitler dahi, Nietzsche’den çok etkilenmiştir, üst insan mümkün ise üstün ırkın da mümkün olacağını söyleyip yola çıkmıştır.

    Balkanlardaki bağımsızlık hareketleri çok öncesinde milliyetçilik akımlarından etkilenen fikirler üretmiştir ve bütün mücadeleleri bir fikriyat üzerine kuruludur. Zaten fikriyatın önemi de budur. Eğer bir amaç yahut bir mücadele fikirden ziyade insan üzerine yahut beşeri bir unsur üzerine kurulursa, bu mücadele insanın, beşeri unsurun ömrü ile sınırlı olur. Kalıcı olabilmiş bütün mücadeleler insan isminden çıkıp, bir fikri mücadeleye dönüştüğünde başarıya ulaşır.

    Türk devrimi de bu şekilde oluşmuştur. Gazetelerde, İngiliz işgallerine karşı millyetçi yazılar yazmaya başlamış, tam bağımsızlığın nasıl olacağı konuşulmaya başlanmıştı Osmanlıda, üstelik Mustafa Kemal, Selanik doğumlu olduğundan bu tip akımlara çok daha aşina. Daha sonra Sofya’da görev yaptığı sürede, Bulgarların toplumu kültürel alanda örgütleme biçiminden çok etkilenmiştir.

    Türk Devriminin üzerine kurulu olduğu taşların en temelde duranı, milliyetçiliktir. Milliyetçilikten kopuk bir Türk Devrimi düşünmek cahelattir. Bu milliyetçilik aslında devrimin üzerinde durduğu diğer taşları da ayakta tutmaktadır. Milli ekonomi sahibi olmadan bağımsız olunmaz ilkesi devrim sonrasında devletçilik olarak tezahür etmiştir. Bir toprak üzerinde yaşayan herkesin eşit olması gerçekliği devrim sonrasında halkçılık olarak tezahür etmiştir.

    Örneğin, bugünlerde çokça eleştirilen harf devrimi, Cumhuriyetten eskidir. Abdülhamit’in dahi Latin Alfabesine geçilmesini ifade ettiği söylenir. Burada öne çıkan şey şudur, Türk Devriminde atılan adımlar bir anda karar verilmiş, ufak bir elit kesimin aldığı kararlar değildir. Tam tersine, Osmanlıdaki aydınların yıllardır üzerine konuştuğu, yazıp çizdiği ve ağır eleştirilerden sağ çıkmış düşüncelerdir.

    Peki ya bugün? Devrim kesintiye mi uğradı?

    19. Yüzyıl sonlarındaki Osmanlı ile kıyaslandığında bugün durduğumuz nokta çok da iç açıcı değil malesef. Bugün kimi aydın olarak niteleyeceğiz? Mücadeleleri ve fikirleri isimlerden bağımsız kimleri sayabilirsiniz? Eleştiriler, isimler üzerinden, konuşmalar isimler üzerinden. Toprak olanlar ne zamandan beri fikirler?

    Not düşelim. 2016 yılında, hangi düşünceden olursa olsun, yapılan bütün konuşmalar, yazılan bütün yazılar şahıslar üzerinedir. Bu şekilde her yazılan, her çizilen, 6 ay sonra geçersiz hale gelmekte, gelecek nesillere kılavuzluk edecek üretim yapılamamaktadır.

    Ülke tekrar parçalanıp, adalet dahi bölündüğünde mi yazacaksınız? O saatten sonra yazılmasın, söylenmesin. Söylenecek bir fikri olan varsa, bugün söylenmelidir. Bugünden başlayarak bir fikir birikimi oluşturmaya çalışırsan, ancak beş on sene sonra, insanlara ulaşıp, bazı şeyleri anlatabiliyor olacağız.

    Lafın kısası, bugün geldiğimiz noktada aslına gazete ve televizyonlarda gördüğümüz sözde “analist”, “köşe yazarı”, “siyasi” kişiler, aslında magazindir, hani televole denirdi ya, tam olarak onlardır. Fikirden yoksun, ancak kişilere ve olaylara bağlı sahışlardır.

    Şahsım nazarımda, bütün zorluklardan çıkış, fikriyata önem vererek herkesin önerdiği yolları konuşmaktır. Yolu bilmiyorsanız, duvarı aydınlatan ışığında bir anlamı yoktur.


  • What is Node Js

    What is Node Js

    What is Node Js

    What is node js? Node js is a runtime that runs Javascript on server side. But not only runs, it also has non-blocking i/o system and asynchronous flow. What does that mean for your code?

    That simply means, better performance with less hardware costs. Many frameworks for Node js developed by community, there are lot’s of tools for rapid prototyping and best performance.

    What is node js
    What is node js

    Getting Started With Node.Js

    You can pick up Node Js easily since there are lot’s of courses (both free and paid courses) on udemy. You can understand what is node js and start coding.

    I strongly advice people to start node js (and python) because of time is most valuable resource on our world. We can buy IDE’s, rams, cpu power and etc, but we can not buy more time to build a successful business and successful application.

    MEAN Stack
    MEAN Stack

    The Greatest Team EVER!

    If you are developing web applications you may know about most popular stack, PHP – Mysql – Apache – Linux. That stack was the rockstar of web world but by now, rocks started fall to the river. Huge community of node js is developing a lot of libraries for Node js so you can pick up one and just get start your dream project with it.

    Libraries are not only advantage of Node js. There is a great team to use with Node Js without any questions. Linux – Node js – Mongo Db – Angular or with the other word MEAN stack. This team is great. You can set up a token based authentication in minutes, you can build a blog project in an hour, you can make more releases in a day.

    MEAN stack will help you to create great web and mobile apps, you can empower your mobile app’s backend software via node js. You can scale on the cloud using clustering package like pm2.

    Libraries In Black

    Node js libraries are trusted, they are tested and used by great community therefore it is less likely to have a security problem. I know, security for your application is one of the most important things, for me too. But you can trust Node Js libraries, they are used in even enterprise applications.

    Do you remember times that you have to implement the feature that you want to have in a library? These times passed, since you can find a library for everything on npm.


    Npm is a package manager for Node Js. If you develop a library and put it on Github then you can release it on NPM. It only takes a minute. Even big companies releasing libraries for Node Js because why not?



    Node Js is a great tool to pick up for startups and web application developers. I strongly suggest you to learn node.js because companies started to move their applications into node js.

    If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me. You can fill the form below or you can send me an e-mail, yigit@yigitnot.com


  • What is Node Js

    What is Node Js

    What is Node Js

    What is node js? Node js is a runtime that runs Javascript on server side. But not only runs, it also has non-blocking i/o system and asynchronous flow. What does that mean for your code?

    That simply means, better performance with less hardware costs. Many frameworks for Node js developed by community, there are lot’s of tools for rapid prototyping and best performance.

    What is node js
    What is node js

    Getting Started With Node.Js

    You can pick up Node Js easily since there are lot’s of courses (both free and paid courses) on udemy. You can understand what is node js and start coding.

    I strongly advice people to start node js (and python) because of time is most valuable resource on our world. We can buy IDE’s, rams, cpu power and etc, but we can not buy more time to build a successful business and successful application.

    MEAN Stack
    MEAN Stack

    The Greatest Team EVER!

    If you are developing web applications you may know about most popular stack, PHP – Mysql – Apache – Linux. That stack was the rockstar of web world but by now, rocks started fall to the river. Huge community of node js is developing a lot of libraries for Node js so you can pick up one and just get start your dream project with it.

    Libraries are not only advantage of Node js. There is a great team to use with Node Js without any questions. Linux – Node js – Mongo Db – Angular or with the other word MEAN stack. This team is great. You can set up a token based authentication in minutes, you can build a blog project in an hour, you can make more releases in a day.

    MEAN stack will help you to create great web and mobile apps, you can empower your mobile app’s backend software via node js. You can scale on the cloud using clustering package like pm2.

    Libraries In Black

    Node js libraries are trusted, they are tested and used by great community therefore it is less likely to have a security problem. I know, security for your application is one of the most important things, for me too. But you can trust Node Js libraries, they are used in even enterprise applications.

    Do you remember times that you have to implement the feature that you want to have in a library? These times passed, since you can find a library for everything on npm.


    Npm is a package manager for Node Js. If you develop a library and put it on Github then you can release it on NPM. It only takes a minute. Even big companies releasing libraries for Node Js because why not?



    Node Js is a great tool to pick up for startups and web application developers. I strongly suggest you to learn node.js because companies started to move their applications into node js.

    If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me. You can fill the form below or you can send me an e-mail, yigit@yigitnot.com


  • Top 5 Free Database Software

    Top 5 Free Database Software

    Startups need to save money, therefore they need to use free database as well. Also open source database software provides great community support and security.

    If you are running an online business your business need expert people since you are running time-critical system. Free database software and open source database software solutions have much more experts than commercials to pick up a good one and hire. You only need to know how to choose which is the best for you.

    Why Free Database?

    Free Database
    Free Database

    Leading startups and leading companies runs free database software. Such as Apple, IMDB, blabla car, Uber, Us Navy, Airbnb, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Ebay, Bosch, Nokia, Sap, Github etc. You see!? All cool kids in the street use free databases. That is not a coincidence, open databases are reliable. You can trust them to store your data.


    I prepared a list of the best free database software to pick up.


    Get ready!


    1) MariaDB

    I think mySql was the most popular database software all around the world. But Oracle acquired mySql then licensing and support is changed. Open Source community doesn’t like that kind of “commercial” guys in the open source area. A few of mySql developers and open source fans forked mySql latest source code and created a new free database.

    Maria db is a free database (it’s open source) therefore you can use MariaDB without paying anything for it. MySql drivers can be used with Maria Db also so you can use lots of ORM’s, DB Management tools.

    Maria db also runs more faster than mySql.


    2) PostgreSql

    PostgreSql is the most complicated free database. It’s a replacement for Oracle and DB2. It supports very big databases (Max: Unlimited), big tables (Max: 32 TB) therefore it is the best database for handling big data.

    People is creating much more data then yesterday. It is very important to be capable of saving all data, to find insights. PosgreSql is one of the most trusted way to do it. It’s also scalable, you can trust PostgreSql if you have much transactions.

    PostgreSql has a great community, when you need support, they are also very helpful about answering questions.


    3) CUBRID

    Cubrid is not a very popular database. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t good. CUBRID is a special database for large amount of transactions and data. It has high avaiablity features. CUBRID is designed and optimized for web services, load balancers and proxies are avaiable by itself. It’s database, table and column size is unlimited.

    If you ask me did i try before? No. I didn’t tried but i am waiting for an opportunity to try that kind of rock-star database.




    Actually, Redis is not a database solution. Redis is a in memory data storage system. Yes, it runs on memory so Redis is very fast. Redis is the best solution for caching. It’s free, it’s fast, it’s community is great, it supports master replicate duplication.

    I can hear, you are asking why to use Redis? Redis will be your favorite solution for caching. A just want to give a little example here. You are counting likes of a picture from database, do you want to count it for every request? I think no one wants it. Save them on Redis, you can count it once in 10 minutes. Or you can update redis on every like, it is much faster than database.

    Mongo DB
    Mongo DB


    5)Mongo DB

    Mongo Db is a no-sql database. A no-sql database means, you will not store your data in tables, there are documents for your data in Mongo DB. Mongodb is faster than relational databases, you can develop more faster than relational database, you can store unstructured data in it. You don’t need to model your data before starting to develop application. That means MongoDb is a good tool for rapid development and rapid prototyping.



    Now, you have a list of free database software for your startup. You build your startup or your business on top of them. I promise you won’t regret it. Save your money from paid databases and move to free database street.


    Save your time, you can ask your questions to me. Fill the form below, or send an e-mail to yigit@yigitnot.com.

  • Top 5 Free Database Software

    Top 5 Free Database Software

    Startups need to save money, therefore they need to use free database as well. Also open source database software provides great community support and security.

    If you are running an online business your business need expert people since you are running time-critical system. Free database software and open source database software solutions have much more experts than commercials to pick up a good one and hire. You only need to know how to choose which is the best for you.

    Why Free Database?

    Free Database
    Free Database

    Leading startups and leading companies runs free database software. Such as Apple, IMDB, blabla car, Uber, Us Navy, Airbnb, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, Ebay, Bosch, Nokia, Sap, Github etc. You see!? All cool kids in the street use free databases. That is not a coincidence, open databases are reliable. You can trust them to store your data.


    I prepared a list of the best free database software to pick up.


    Get ready!


    1) MariaDB

    I think mySql was the most popular database software all around the world. But Oracle acquired mySql then licensing and support is changed. Open Source community doesn’t like that kind of “commercial” guys in the open source area. A few of mySql developers and open source fans forked mySql latest source code and created a new free database.

    Maria db is a free database (it’s open source) therefore you can use MariaDB without paying anything for it. MySql drivers can be used with Maria Db also so you can use lots of ORM’s, DB Management tools.

    Maria db also runs more faster than mySql.


    2) PostgreSql

    PostgreSql is the most complicated free database. It’s a replacement for Oracle and DB2. It supports very big databases (Max: Unlimited), big tables (Max: 32 TB) therefore it is the best database for handling big data.

    People is creating much more data then yesterday. It is very important to be capable of saving all data, to find insights. PosgreSql is one of the most trusted way to do it. It’s also scalable, you can trust PostgreSql if you have much transactions.

    PostgreSql has a great community, when you need support, they are also very helpful about answering questions.


    3) CUBRID

    Cubrid is not a very popular database. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t good. CUBRID is a special database for large amount of transactions and data. It has high avaiablity features. CUBRID is designed and optimized for web services, load balancers and proxies are avaiable by itself. It’s database, table and column size is unlimited.

    If you ask me did i try before? No. I didn’t tried but i am waiting for an opportunity to try that kind of rock-star database.




    Actually, Redis is not a database solution. Redis is a in memory data storage system. Yes, it runs on memory so Redis is very fast. Redis is the best solution for caching. It’s free, it’s fast, it’s community is great, it supports master replicate duplication.

    I can hear, you are asking why to use Redis? Redis will be your favorite solution for caching. A just want to give a little example here. You are counting likes of a picture from database, do you want to count it for every request? I think no one wants it. Save them on Redis, you can count it once in 10 minutes. Or you can update redis on every like, it is much faster than database.

    Mongo DB
    Mongo DB


    5)Mongo DB

    Mongo Db is a no-sql database. A no-sql database means, you will not store your data in tables, there are documents for your data in Mongo DB. Mongodb is faster than relational databases, you can develop more faster than relational database, you can store unstructured data in it. You don’t need to model your data before starting to develop application. That means MongoDb is a good tool for rapid development and rapid prototyping.



    Now, you have a list of free database software for your startup. You build your startup or your business on top of them. I promise you won’t regret it. Save your money from paid databases and move to free database street.


    Save your time, you can ask your questions to me. Fill the form below, or send an e-mail to yigit@yigitnot.com.

  • How Watson Treats Cancer – Learn Now!

    How Watson Treats Cancer – Learn Now!

    How IBM’s Watson Treats Cancer

    Watson treats cancer. Yes you see right, IBM’s Watson is learning how might cancer be cured. And i am sure, Watson will help us to live longer.

    Every year millions of people dying because of cancer. In 2012 8.2 millions of people died because of cancer. (Wikipedia) Therefore solving reasons, finding better treatment or blocking mutations are really important for humanity.

    But how?

    Watson learns, Watson can learn about data, learn about differences then uses that data to solve complex problems. Now, Watson has a mission: it have to learn about mutations that makes people cancer.

    IBM works with several universities, hospitals and cancer institutes, Memorial Sloan Cancer Center is one of them.

    IBM Cognitive Systems
    IBM Cognitive Systems




    Watson works very simple; scientists give the mutated genoms that causes cancer, to Watson. Watson is working on them and learning.

    Also IBM has a Watson For Oncology page. On that page IBM says:



    Watson Analyzes the patient’s medical record

    and creates treatment pathway. It may take hundred years with classic computing, or much more with doctors but with a computer like Watson, it will take several years to find reasons and better treatments for a cancer.

    The Data

    Both structured and unstructured data is generating in a hospital everyday. Actually this is very important data. Just imagine, if we share all data across the world, if we share all experience we have to treat people, the world will be far better.

    Watson has read 15 Millions page of medical content, just think about it, can a doctor read that much of medical content my itself? Of course not, therefore we need an assistant.


    Yes, people will live longer. People will cure human. People will make human more happier. It’s a war. People have to fight against all extinction, poorness, illnesses and wars. But need help, we need more smarter help than ourselves.

    Future is starting today, cognitive computing helping us, also our businesses are transforming into cognitive era.

    Watson even cures cancer, it may cure your business as well as cancer.

    Learn more about cognitive computing:

    What is Cognitive Computing?

    Use Watson Conversation API to Help Customers

    What is IBM Bluemix [Learn Now!]

    Contact me now, i will help you to transform business. Fill the form below the page or send me an e-mail: yigit@yigitnot.com

  • What Is “Cognitive Business” [Start Today!]

    What Is “Cognitive Business” [Start Today!]

    First of all, before cognitive business, talk about usual business. Running a business is very complicated process. You have to decide very carefully about everything. Running a business seems like creating a new universe from zero. Every decision you make, every step you take creates new results or new consequences. Every entrepreneur, every business man, needs help sometimes, because two eyes are better then one. Moving to cognitive business gives you more and more eyes.

    You have manage your supply chain, your customer complaints, salaries, bills, also making payments and lots of other things. Sharing your responsibility with a machine which never makes wrong is a really big step for you, so you can focus on new innovations, new products and new markets.



    Cognitive Business

    I know, the word “cognitive” is cool by itself, but “cognitive business” is more cool. Trust me.

    Think about your business, you have customer data, so you have to process them and find the insights.

    You have a customer base, you need to communicate and understand their problem.

    Your products have comments on web, therefore you must read all of them, solve problems, and improve your business.

    You have data, it is better for you to analyze them and predict future.

    You have to do all of them by human power. No! You can get a third eye for your business. Watson can do it for you. You can find examples by clicking here.

    Cognitive Business
    Cognitive Business

    How to Transform Your Business Into Cognitive?

    It’s a big deal with unexperienced, unvisionary people, you need help. After the transformation of your business, everything will be better for you. Since you upgraded your business to new era, you will have better uptimes, better customer insights, and better prediction about future.

    Start transformation with simple things, do you have a comment system on your website? Use tone analyzer to analyze that comments, and start solving your customers’ problems with easier one as you know, there is a rule. You make 80% of your success by 20% of your clients, therefore you have to listen them more carefully.

    Do you have a database that stores past shopping transactions or your clients’ history? Analyze it to predict future, then you will have better inventory management and investment efficiency.

    You business and time is valuable so you have use them well. Since Cognitive Computing helps you you have more time to focus on new markets and business ideas! Isn’t it great?

    In conclusion transforming your business into cognitive business will drive you better understanding about your customer and better sales. Don’t get late! Start today to take your step into this new world.

    Do you have a questing? Don’t hesitate to ask me! You can ask via filling the form below or by sending mail to yigit@yigitnot.com

  • Use Watson Conversation API to Help Customers

    Use Watson Conversation API to Help Customers

    Watson Conversation API

    You may know, Watson has a Watson Conversation API. This api can be used to create chatbots, and manage customer complaints. My favorite way to use conversation api is using it as a complaint management tool. (I’ll be writing a tutorial about it, we will just trigger our complaint management tool’s endpoints)

    What is Watson Conversation API

    IBM’s Watson Conversation API is part of IBM’s Watson platform, that enables you to create conversation between man and machine a.k.a between your customer and customer relationship goals.

    As i mentioned before, i’ll help you to optimize your processes, teach you new way to increase customer satisfaction, customer happiness and your income. I am going to transform your business from scratch to cognitive.

    Use Watson Conversation API to Help Customers

    Now we are going to create a conversation to help customer complaints. I have to note that before getting started, this tutorial based on this tutorial. Now log in to Bluemix Console. Navigate to Catalog, click on Conversation, fill the form and create a new conversation instance.


    Watson Conversation API Dashboard
    Watson Conversation API Dashboard


    Click on Launch Tool. Create a new Workspace, it’s name is not important, just create a new workspace. After Watson creates new instance click on get started. Now you see 3 link on top menu.

    Let’s explain them first.

    Intent: Intent is a key for Watson to understand what does input mean. Watson processes intent.

    Entity: An input may be about something, for example you sell different kind of electronics, you can define the goods and help your customer based on your product.

    Dialog: Dialog is a kind of flow chart, that describes the way you handle customer complaints and questions.

    For a second, think about a customer dialog, it starts with greeting, then robot ask about problem, then take actions to solve customer’s problem or save the praises, and say goodbye to customer. To create this scenario we are going to define #greeting intent first.

    Watson Conversation API Intents
    Watson Conversation API Intents




    Now i think a little bit explanation required. Watson is a kind of computer that learns like a human. Think about how you learn maths, first you learn about a rule. Then you make lot’s of practices to improve your knowledge and skills on the topic. Watson learns just like you. More examples makes Watson gives better results therefore more examples means better results.


    As you can see here, we are starting with giving keywords for Watson, then Watson, learns those keywords and creates an understanding about what is a greeting, when greeting intent fires.










    Now continue with creating a complaints intent.


    As you can see, a few complaints defined.





    Now, create a new intent, name it byes, to define how may a customer say goodbye.


    Our intents are defined now! We can create a dialog flow. navigate to Diaglog tab and click “Create“.

    Watson Conversation API Simple Dialog
    Watson Conversation API Simple Dialog

    I simply created a flow to handle a customer. You see, our intents are defined on the dialog. Anything else is the path that Watson respond for input’s that didn’t understand clearly.

      Here we come to the best part, we are going to test our robot. There is a chat icon, on top right of the screen. Click on it.









    I started to test with random strings. Watson told me that, it didn’t understand the input. Then i said hi to Watson.

    Watson identified it is a greeting, and responded well.

    I told about a problem with my product.

    OMG! Watson understand it although we didn’t define anything about product and glass.

    Then i said bye to Watson.













    Improving Your Robot!

    Now we are going to make a little addition. First of all go to entities and create two entities.


    Then go back to dialog and create a continue from condition.


    And mark your entities after your condition. After this changes click test button. Probably, you will see this:


    That means Watson Conversation API is training on your entities and conditions. In addition, you don’t have to do anything to train, Watson Trains automatically.








    When Watson completes training, you see this message. And now we are ready to go!



    Due to, conversation API is stateless we have to test our scenarios one by one. Start with car scenario.


    Then clear and test your phone scenario then:


    You created your first customer complaint bot under ten minutes. Hence, you can create your own robot to make your customers happier!

    I’ll write about using Watson’s conversation API with node.js and socket.io later.

    If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask my questions by filling the form below or sending an email to yigit@yigitnot.com 

  • What is IBM Bluemix [Learn Now!]

    What is IBM Bluemix [Learn Now!]

    What is IBM Bluemix?

    IBM Bluemix is a cloud to build, run and manage applications.

    Bluemix offers several API’s, instant runtimes and containers. That means, you don’t need to care about your deployment anymore! Bluemix wants you to concentrate on your innovation.

    Start With Sample Code:

    When you ready to develop an application on Bluemix platform, Bluemix offers several sample kits. You can pick one of them and just start developing. Here I’ll attach the list of samples.

    IBM Bluemix Starters
    IBM Bluemix Starters


    Use Runtime Images

    Have you ever tried to create a deployment environment for a new application, especially with a new tech stack from scratch? It’s a huge pain for developers. It takes lot’s of time to figure out what is the best scenario for you application. It also supports open standarts therefore communities can create their own runtime images.

    IBM Bluemix Runtimes
    IBM Bluemix Runtimes

    Use Watson Services, Please Use Them

    This is the best part of Bluemix. Watson services. You may know, Watson is the key part of IBM’s cognitive computing strategy. Watson offers lot’s of API’s from sppech to text to Visual Recognition to Cognitive Graph and etc. Watson services will make an update to your business. You  should Contact Me via form at the bottom to ask how can Watson help you to drive your business better.

    I believe that, every business, can take advantage of Watson platforms. You can make your business better via using Watson and you should. Because as Ginni Said

    If it’s digital today, it will be cognitive tomorrow


    IBM Bluemix Watson APIs
    IBM Bluemix Watson APIs

    Bluemix Data and Analytics

    For now and future, data will drive our business. We are making decisions using data. Getting better insights about your customer will make achieve better marketing and management results. Watson offers huge amount of Data APIs.

    IBM Bluemix Data APIs
    IBM Bluemix Data APIs


    Please leave a comment about your comments. If you have questions, you can leave a comment or either you can fill the comment form on bottom of the page.

  • How to Enable Cors with Laravel 5

    How to Enable Cors with Laravel 5

    By default, cors requests are not enabled with any PHP farameworks. You should enable it if you need to use cors request.

    Even, you can enable cors request, i strongly suggest you yo use a proxy server. Accept requests from your proxy server,  pass it to your application server, don’t let any other client make any http request from your application server.

    Here is how to enable CORS with Laravel 5 PHP framework:

    1. Create CORS Middleware

    To initialize middleware class you should use artisan command line tool.

    php artisan make:middleware Cors

    This command will create the Cors.php file at /app/Http/Middleware

    You should edit, Cors.php file

    namespace App\Http\Middleware;
    use Closure;
    class Cors
         * Handle an incoming request.
         * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
         * @param  \Closure  $next
         * @return mixed
        public function handle($request, Closure $next)
            return $next($request)
                ->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
                ->header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS');

    2. Register Middleware

    To use your middleware in your project you should register middleware class into your project. To register your middleware you should edit /app/Http/Kernel.php file.

    In the end of the file you should see $routeMiddleware array. That is object we should add our middleware. We will update routeMiddleware like this:

    protected $routeMiddleware = [
            'auth' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate::class,
            'auth.basic' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\AuthenticateWithBasicAuth::class,
            'bindings' => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings::class,
            'can' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authorize::class,
            'guest' => \App\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated::class,
            'throttle' => \Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\ThrottleRequests::class,
            'cors' => \App\Http\Middleware\Cors::class,

    We game ‘cors’ name to our middleware. Now Laravel will load our middleware but won’t use it until we put it in routes.

    3. Make Your Routes Use CORS Middleware

    You have options when you want to make your routes use your middleware.  I usually prefer to create route groups that uses same middleware. But sometimes you need to use Route::get()->middleware([middlewares]) That is the way how you can assign middleware to only one route.

    Here is my favourite way to call middleware:

    Route::group(['middleware' => ['cors']], function()
        Route::post('api/v1/blood/add', 'BloodController@addPost');
        Route::post('api/v1/vote/add', 'VoteController@addVotePost');


    4. Done!

    You’ve done for today.